Comparing unions in U.S. and Canada: A Forum

Join in the first program of a newly formed collaboration of labor history groups in Canada and the United States featuring one of America’s most prominent labor leaders, Sara

          Sara Nelson

Nelson, the president of the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA, AFL-CIO.

She will be paired with a Canadian labor historian, Alvin Finkel, professor emeritus of Athabasca University, Calgary.  The online program begins at 6:30 p.m. (CDT), Thursday, March 18.  Information on how to link into the program can be found by clicking here.

The program was developed by representatives of various labor history societies in the two countries that have come together to share programming ideas and best practices.  The Wisconsin Labor History Society, Illinois Labor History Society and the Pacific Northwest Labor History Association are among the key leaders of the collaboration.  For more information, contact Ken Germanson,