All Wisconsin high school students (grades 9-12) are eligible to participate in a High School Essay Contest conducted annually by the Wisconsin Labor History Society. The high school students are asked to write an essay of approximately 750 words on the following theme: “Unions have been important to my family, my community and my nation because …” and up to eight cash prizes are awarded for the best. The prizes will include one $500 first-place prize, one $300 second-place prize, one $200 third-place prize, and up to five $100 prizes for honorable mention. 

What to write about . . .

All Wisconsin high school students have ready access to labor history. Check with parents, grandparents, uncles and aunts. Also, neighbors and family friends. Ask to interview them and then write your essay. Only 750 words. Also you may do independent research on topics of labor history. Check the Wisconsin Labor History website ( for resources and other ideas.

Contest Rules . . .

Essays should be approximately 750 words in length on the topic of:  “Unions are good for my family, my community and my nation because . . .” They will be judged on understanding, evidence of original research, writing style and significance. Essays must be submitted by email in Microsoft Word or as PDF file. Submissions must include a cover sheet with the following information: Your name, address, home telephone number, your email address, your grade in school, name and address of your school, and, if you were encouraged or assisted by a teacher, the teacher’s name. (Also, list your family’s union membership, if applicable.) If you have any questions, contact: Harvey J. Kaye at

Deadline for submissions is Feb. 15, 2025.

Send your essays to the following email address:  Put “essay contest” in subject line.

For contest rules and submission information, click here downloadable flier.