Our Events

aNNUAL meeting and cONFERENCE

The WLHS by-laws state that an annual meeting must be held annually in April or May.  Until the pandemic, the annual meeting wasmade part of an all-day conference, which have become popular, attracting more than 100 participants each year to hear labor history experts, as well as other leaders reflecting on how current times are affecting by labor struggles of the past.


2024 Conference

Building Power in Wisconsin Immigrant
Communities: Social and Workplace Justice

43rd Annual Conference slated for May 11

Farmworkers in the 1960s marched 80 miles to Madison to lobby for laws protecting right of migrant workers to organize.

The Wisconsin Labor History Society’s 43rd Annual Conference and Meeting will feature a discussion of labor’s role in welcoming immigrant workers into our society.  It is to be held, beginning at 8:30 a.m. and continuing to 3 p.m., pm Saturday May 11 at the IBEW Local 494 Training Center, 11001 W. Plank Court,, Wauwatosa.

Jesus Salas, who led pioneering migrant farmworker organizing in the 1960s and author of the book, “Obreros Unidos: The Roots and Legacy of the Farmworkers Movement,” will open the program.  He will be interviewed by Sergio Gonzalez, assistant professor of history, Marquette University, author of “Mexicans in Wisconsin.”

A panel discussion will include organizers among the migrant populations.

Conference fees are $40.00 person with a special rate of $13 for unemployed persons and students.  Lunch, refreshments and materials are included.

Online registration is available at https://tinyurl.com/wlhsconf2024.  To register by mail, click here.  For further information, contact WLHS Conference Committee Chair Jaclyn J. Kelly at jaclynjkelly@gmail.com.